Monday, February 15, 2016


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Aloha is a film no one liked. And with good reason too. Ok this viewer loves Cameron Crowe (I even liked Elizabethtown) and loves Rachel McAdams and liked Emma Stone. Furthermore this viewer thinks Hawaii is heaven on earth (visited the state 3 times). So how come I don't like this film. No because I don't like the male leads Bradley Cooper (how come people think this guy is handsome is a puzzle to me) and John Krazinski (the most prominent trait of this guy's entertainment persona is how much he loves his wife) since I did like some other films starring Mr. Cooper.
This film just misses everything. The jaded man on the road to redemption with the aid of love is a Crowe theme (worked best in Jerry Maguire), the quirky female lead who helps him there is usually a lovable role but here all the mannerisms are exaggerated. And I doubt it is Ms. Stone's fault. The beautiful Hawaii is just not enough to save this one and I'm not even going how Emma Stone's character is Asian. Even I cannot recommend this one. 

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