Thursday, August 27, 2015

Force Majeure

Force Majeure is a film I wanted to see for a long time (but not enough to seek a dvd). When it showed up on Dvdigi I pleasantly set to watch. It is a good film. But having avoided spoilers I had the idea that it was an action or a suspense film. Well it had suspense but of the emotional kind. 
What would you do when your life partner runs away (taking his phone) leaving you and your kids behind in danger? 

I didn't think the issue was because he was a man. The guy left his family (his children!!!) behind to seek shelter during an avalanche. Well I thought that I'd immediately leave him. Seriously I wouldn't have anything to do with a man like that. However my mother thought that this is hasty and marriage needs compromise. Well they have two children who want their parents to stay together. But still, if I can't trust my partner in a crisis then I wouldn't be able to enjoy the good times with him either. 

The film has a clean cinematography and good acting with solid questions regarding marriage/life sharing.

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