Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Rough Cut

Photo credit:    (and it is a great site too) 

Rough Cut is a film I have purchased and watched a while ago. But it was there in my sister's electronic stash and it is always great to watch So Ji Sub (one of my fantasy men). I liked it a lot better at this second viewing. The story is interesting. There is a gangster, number 2 of a gang with the leader in prison. This guy is very handsome, attractive and the silent, brooding type with a hidden sense of humour and he loves films and looks like So Ji Sub (yeah my kryptonite). There is an actor who has behavioural problems (like getting mad and hitting his co actors for real, keeping his girlfriend hidden away with their only communication being booty calls in the actor's van. So when he hits his co actor and causes an accident that ended the said actor in hospital, no one wants to star with him. The made him think of the gangster he met at a karaoke place (the gangster is his fan). 
So he offers him the part and he accepts with the condition that they will fight for real and the end fight will be real too (normally the actor should have won according to the script). 
Their interactions affect each other, the gangster begins to soften up somehow and the actor starts to realise what a jerk he is but will the end for the gangster be happy? (spoiler: no). 

Kang Ji Hwan plays the actor and he is very good. I love this actor especially after Capital Scandal. My problem with him is not his face (not my type) but his voice. It is rather high pitched. 

Anyway this one is interesting if you like this sort of thing. Also it is artsy. I'd call it viewer friendly Kim Ki Duk. 

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