Monday, August 10, 2015

The Buried Giant

The Buried Giant is a novel I treated myself with purchasing a larger than normal paperback on sale price (of course I didn't pay for it and used my credit card points) It is an interesting genre switch for the novelist since this one is a fantasy. He has written science fiction before too (the excellent Never Let Me Go) and even though I was into the story, the thing I like best about Mr. Ishiguro's novels is his prose style. I can listen to any story he chose to tell because he has a way of pointing at the feelings and inner complications of his characters. And I like the way he is neutral to them (normally I'd be cold since I like writers who are good to their characters best) since he is a master at that certain economic prose that tells so much in a clear and orderly manner. This is highly recommended but if you have never read anything else from this writer start with Never Let Me Go or The Remains of the Day (a masterpiece in my humble opinion). 

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