Friday, April 4, 2014

Portal of The Wind

Portal of The Wind is one of the books I have got in second hand bookstores in Berkeley since not only I like murder mysteries, I like English translations of Japanese novels (there is not one so far that I have not enjoyed for a degree). Well I liked the translation but this one is not a murder mystery. It actually is sort of a discussion about the consequences of two medical operations where healthy heads are attached to healthy bodies of people who end up being brain dead. And writing like that one thinks that it is going to be exciting, gory or something more than a dry narration of the events. But it was not. There is murder and a small mystery but it is perhaps 15 % of the story. It occured to me as I write this that the mystery was how the relations of the people who were operated on found out about the whole thing. So there is a mystery but it just was not very exciting to me. I won't recommend this one.

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