Thursday, April 24, 2014

Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World

Photo from

Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World was chosen because it seemed a romance film and I felt like a romance film. Keira Knightley is an actress I can't decide I like or dislike. There is something about her face that makes mine ache when I looked at her. I feel as if she constantly tenses her facial muscles to keep it in shape (even typing this I have same sensation) but I think she is cute and a decent actor. Steve Carell is someone I can't seem to like and for no particular reason. His face looks like a rodent but that is not it. Anyway enough meaness about the physicality of the actors and on to the film.
It is one of the end of the world films where people are informed that a meteor will collide with earth and everything will be space dust after that. A mission to divert the meteor was unsuccessful. So people react differently (and not as artsy as in Melancholia) to this and our protagonists wife leaves him for her lover. He valiantly went to work for a couple of days (now this is something I would have done, some misplaced sense of responsibility I suppose) but it is futile. Then he meets her quirky English neighbour who is devasted because she has missed all the planes to UK and now has no way to unite with her family. He provides her shelter from her despair and she sleeps at his flat. She is a very heavy sleeper, like me, nothing wakes her up until she is ready to. When the riots inevitably start for some stupid reason they decide to leave their home (maybe they thought people will break in or something) and one thing leads to another and they end up in the same truck first going to meet his first love then to somewhere where they may be able to find a plane.

It was not a bad film but it was not very good either. What suprised me was the ending which is the best part.  

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