Monday, April 14, 2014

The Quick and The Dead

The Quick and The Dead I remember loving this one when I first watched it. And I still liked it a lot the second time.

Now it is a revenge film which is one of my favorite themes in fiction (probably because I do not get it at all), and I liked everyone that was in it.

The lead is a female gun fighter and I liked it that she is very independent. She has balls enough not only to pick Russel Crowe up for a one night stand but not to live happily ever after with him but choosing to ride alone in the sunset. Kudos Ellen!

The villain is acted by Gene Hackman who is a great Western villain (he was also wonderful in Unforgiven). This is a cartoonish film where we get to see the bullet holes etc. and the actors all went along with it. There were some over explanation (a fault I usually detect in USA films) but it didn't really hurt.

It is highly recommended.

And look how everyone was so young:

Leo (adorable)

 Photo Credit:

Badass Ellen

Photo credit:

and Russel Crowe

Photo credit:

All in all, it was a good viewing and very entertaining.

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