Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Room With A View

A Room With A View is one of the films I have watched this weekend and despite the fact that some parts of it made me laugh out loud, I'm going to go ahead and say it - Merchant/Ivory films are not really to my taste.

Photo from http://www.movie-film-review.com/

Despite the fact that Helena Bohnam - Carter was adorable and I love Daniel Day Lewis and the story seemed totally to my taste with great locations and costumes, the visual sensibilities of Mr.James Ivory are not to my taste at all. The film is full of mid range shots (such as the one above) while I really prefer close up shots. There is a certain visual untidiness which is an artistic choice that often applies to a lot of directors (and the only director I can accept it from is my all time favore Wong Kar Wai) and my viewer sensibilities do not agree with it.

Anyway I didn't like it enough to run to read the book. 

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