Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Last Vegas

Yesterday was a bank holiday so I made the most of it and managed to watch three films among Digiturk's dvd selection.

First of these was

Last Vegas chosen because I have been to and liked Las Vegas and sometimes I like films where people have first world problems and they are neatly resolved in the end. Last Vegas also gained attention due to its cast I suppose. Well I don't really care for Michael Douglas (although I think he is a very good actor) and I definitely don't care for Kevin Kline (I know he is universally loved but sadly I don't even think he is a good actor, obviously I'm wrong but alas, I don't like him) on the other hand  I love Robert De Niro (great actor) and Morgan Freeman (great actor). So the film didn't dissapoint. Self depreciating humour is one of the things this type of film always has and it is put to good use here.

Our cast enjoyed great times at Aria hotel in Vegas (and yes, it is a great hotel although if I had money I would have stayed in Bellagio) and enjoy their old age and friendship. One of them even found an age appropriate partner.
Photo from

These granpas were entertaining but not substantial .

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