Tuesday, April 22, 2014

9 to 5

9 to 5 is one I have always wanted to watch (and I like the song, and Dolly Parton).
First off I work at a 9 to 5 job and I like it. And even though I'm very lucky not to have a horrible boss, I do find it entertaining to see one get his/her comeuppance. Here the boss is a terrible man, treating the people under him like slaves and worse, he takes credit for others' work. And he sexually harrases his secretary and without her knowing told everyone in the office that she is his mistress. DoraLee, the secretary (acted by the adorable Dolly Parton) is smart and knows how to avoid his advances but she has no idea why the other women in the office are cold towards her.

The other two are one new comer (started working after a divorce where her husband left her for his secretary) and the competent old timer who can't get a promotion.

I liked these ladies and the film's whimsical tone. Nice job Mr.Colin Higgins and the three leads who all gave good performances.

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