Monday, January 27, 2014

Sorority Wars

Sorority Wars this TV film was surprisingly enjoyable in all its clichés. 

Benny's Video

Benny's Video, maybe is not the film that will turn you into a Michael Haneke fan (I like almost all of this director's films) but if you are already familiar with his work then it is a good film to watch.


I especially liked that in the end Benny decided to turn his parents to the police. Of course one should not judge unless one is at a similar situation but don't you want your son to be punished for killing someone? And also maybe it would prevent him from killing other people (among many other things)....

Doctor Sleep

Doctor Sleep took my breath away. Stephen King is one of my favorite authors (especially his earlier novels are true gems) and this one is the perfect sequel to Shining.


I really thought Dan was going to die and it was such a nice surprise that he actually get to live, stay sober and have a nice life helping people. Seriously thank you Mr.King, I'd probably have a minor heartbreak if he passed away (first cancer scare then the woman with the sickle).

This book is highly recommended but you should read the Shining first.

A few thoughts about the audiobooks. What to do when listening to them? If I was able to drive a car (real traffic monster here) it would be the ideal environment to listen to them but otherwise the only time I feel good is when walking. Doctor Sleep was so exciting that I went out for 2 hour walks twice a day just to listen. And it is heavy winter here now so downloading a new book and trying to listen to it while walking doesn't make much sense.
The task I have in hand is to list my dvds but it is not pleasurable to listen to a novel and write at the same time (although curiously it was not difficult).

Friday, January 24, 2014

Kinyas ve Kayra

Kinyas ve Kayra 23. Basımı yapıldığına bakılırsa sevilen bir kitap olmuş. Aslında okunuyor baya baya hatta bir yerde gözlerimden bir damla yaş bile süzüldü ama sanırım yazarın ironik olarak koyduğu bir sahneydi o.  Neyse biraz sürünse de nihayetinde bitti. Bence bu kitabı eğer daha genç olsaydım ve/veya bu kadar kitap okumamış olsaydım daha çok severdim. Hani bazı kitaplar vardır, hangi yaşta olursanız olun, ne kadar kitap okumuş olursanız olun sizi etkiler, sürükler götürür (örn. Bir Narnia serisi - geçen sene okudum ve bayıldım-, bir Harry Potter, Küçük Prens vs.) bu kitap öyle değil. İşte bir varoluşçuluk, nihilism, isyan, vahşet karşımı, egzotik yerlerde (Afrika ve bir kısım Güney Amerika) geçiyor ve kahramanlarımız bana çok ilginç gelmedi. Vahşi kısımlar bir iki sadist/mazohist sahne derseniz çok büyütülecek bir özellikleri yoktu hiçbirisinin. Neyse ilk başlarda "yahu ne ettim de aldım bunu, acaba okumayı bıraksam mı" filan derken sonlara doğru ivme kazandım ve bırakmadım.

In the meantime I have started Doctor Sleep in audio books (and immediately wished that I had purchased the hard copy, it is so far going great causing me to walk every evening).

And I also started to watch Korean Drama Dong Yi and every night I can only complete one episode and fall asleep at the end of the next episode. So far I have managed to watch about halfway through episode 7 and even though I love  Han Hyo Joo (and she is adorable) and have a half baked knowlegde about that time of Korean history, and Ji Jin Hee is adorable in all his kingly glory, I still am not connected to it. Very strange since I'm a sageuk freak and usually connect immediately. I simply hope that this will happen in the next disc!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Beautiful Ruins

Beautiful Ruins Ended up being just average. But it got me going more towards the end. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Blue Valentine

Blue Valentine I have heard only good things about this one but I rejected any information on the story. Well it turned out to be a good film. Too good in fact. The main leads gave excellent performances and sometimes I felt like turning my head away from the screen because I felt like a voyeour of their intimacy. The film tells the story of how love begins and ends for a couple.

And I still think that it was the fact that older Ryan Gosling's hair has receded and that is the main reason Michelle Williams left him. There was no way that woman was going to leave full haired Gosling :)

Apartment 1303

Apartment 1303  I realise now after looking it up on line, is a horror remake of a probably better Japanese film. Didn't like it that much (and certainly was not scared) but it turns out that I like Mischa Barton and I ended up finishing the film. 

The Joneses

The Joneses  Well I'm not much of a fan of David Duchovny and do not especially care for Demi Moore but after reading someone praising her performance in this (at some random list somewhere, maybe flavorwire??) and when it showed up on my tv screen I decided to give it a go. And I didn't know anything about it. Well I liked it very much. First off it had that clean cinematography and close up shots. I also liked the film's story. The Joneses are a family of hired salespeople and the sale is done by being fabulous and making all your neighbours, golf buddies, hair dresser buddies, school buddies etc. think that they'd be like you if they use the stuff you do. The whole thing had horrible consequences for some weak souls in the film and I liked how the story made us see the uselessness of being like that. The thing is people around me are like this and even though this is actually a flaw of character to feel like that, I'm glad I'm not one this type of person. 

Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins I only watched this because I haven't yet and with the new film starring Emma Watson and all I thought I'd give it a try when it came to my way this weekend. And surprise surprise, I liked it. Maybe the times I have spent watching Indian films tought me how to appreciate a good song and dance sequence or something. I don't know. This is a long film with ancient animation tricks but there is joy and talent in it. Give it a try if it comes your way. 

Hanzawa Naoki

Hanzawa Naoki This Japanese ratings champion started real good. I was completely into it by halfway and had a huge crush on the title character. Alas the happy times stopped after that. Firstly the second half was not as good. There were some good stories and conflicts there but there also was a "been there done that" feel to everything. But I was still enjoying myself even though it lost that special sparkle.

But the ending was one of the rare times I'm completely and utterly surprised. Oh I woke up to it at the last minute before the big revelation but still it sort of put me in a bad mood.

This one is highly recommended especially the first half. Actually you may even stop watching after that.  

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse is I think my favorite Adam Dalgliesh novel. (Fave PD Jame is still Innocent Blood). Nothing special in this one except that the mystery was not much of a mystery but told nicely and Inspector Miskin and Sergeant Benton Smith were very interesting and entertaining.

I added my belowed Peanuts 2014 agenda (from Japan) because it is so cute and I like it so much!

Meanwhile, I was in a bit of a viewing slump. Nothing seemed to interest me enough to leave the book and watch something. But I decided to watch Japanese ratings champ Hanzawa Naoki since I like the lead actor and usually Japanese ratings champs suit me. This one is no exception. 3 Episodes in I'm completely drawn to everything in the drama. Our hero (which reminded me of characters Takuya Kimura used to act) is a decent man with revenge on his mind. And because he is so kind and capable, I kind of want him to show all the evil baddies out there (and they are evil!). 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Premium Rush

Premium Rush  I only watched it because I like Joseph Gordon - Levitt. Rather than his performances, I like his face, his clean cut, earnest features. This was an entertaining film and I'm being kind since it was filmed in NYC and reminded me my time there. Otherwise it can be missed and one does not miss out on anything because of it.

Carrie (Brian De Palma Film)

Carrie is a fave novel and I liked this adaptation. Now Brian De Palma is a director whose visual sensibilities appeal to me (clean cinematography, close up shots of the actors' faces etc.) but sometimes his story telling is not very good. Not in this one though. Everthing was good and at the right dose. The visuals were very imressive (although some of the special effects are primitive now, but that was kind of endearing) and the actors all did a great job. Recommended (also read the book) 

Reply 1997

Reply 1997 is a drama that everyone loved. And I agree with all of them. I loved it. Laughed, cried during it and it reminded me of my high school years and first loves (unrequited - heh). Also the joys and despairs of being a fan. This one probably will turn out to be a drama I'll revisit at some point in the future. And it is highly recommended.

Ay Hadi İnşaallah

Ay Hadi İnşaallah Pucca'yı severim. Ama kitapların sayısı arttıkça verdikleri azalıyor. Aslında güzel yazıyor ve bence kurguya bir şans vermeli. Neyse bu kitap eh işte tarzı bir şey. 

The Gangster Squad

The Gangster Squad   was not a film I was particularly interested in since I saw the trailer when in USA and Sean Penn and his fake nose kind of turned me off. Also the visual sensibilities were nothing that we have not seen before. To top it off, while I'm not immune to Mr.Gosling's charms (I'm a woman after all) he is not the star of my fantasies (that place is occupied by either Leonardo Di Caprio or Takeshi Kaneshiro).
So I was going to let it pass but started watching the beginning and liked it a lot. The thing that appealed to me most was the story. How honest men rise against evil despite the consequences. And in the end I was a happy viewer all together. Also I like Josh Brolin. He is a good actor. Emma Stone is also always welcome.
And Sean Penn did a great job despite the nose. 

The Good Earth

The Good Earth is I think the second novel I read of Pear S.Buck. Sadly I do not remember the title of the Turkish translation of the novel I have read years and years ago. But I remember the opening chapter very well (I think that is a testament to the writer's strong prose and storytelling). It was about a woman trying to manipulate her mother in law into deciding the flower she wanted (it was orchids) to grow.

Anyway returning to this one, it is a great novel, a very engaging story even if one doesn't feel particularly interested in China. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Nemesis is very good. This is the third Harry Hole (and fourth altogether) novel I read and am happy that the series seem to get better with each book. At this one Harry is in a decent relationship and at not a bad place in his career. But he is still worried that he has not solved Ellen's murder. And keeps working on it on the sly. This one has a lot of elements surrounding a revenge theme (no surprise that I liked it), there is bank robbery, murder, criminals escaping abroad, gypsies and I ate it all up. I was hoping that Ellen's murderer will be caught but even though Harry I think has zeroed in on him, he didn't act against him in this one.
Very eager to read the next book in line. Although I think that this author is very inspired by Ian Rankin and Rebus. Well as far as I'm concerned he couldn't choose a better inspiration. 

Queen In Hyu's Man (or Queen and I)

Queen in Hyu's Man is one that belongs to a minority group. Everyone who saw it liked it.  I'm not going to disagree, I liked it, happy that I purchased it (great deal on ebay). But I was not IN LOVE with it. You know the way I liked Love Rain or am currently loving Answer 1997.
One of the reasons is that I probably more like the female lead as "angel" type. Or at least a "Candy" (now original Candy, I'm most definitely a fan) but this one is a street smart, sassy girl who is kind at heart but otherwise not very special.
The male lead is OK but I just couldn't like the actor. The performance was good but for some reason I couldn't get into him. This is not a matter of age since I like Lee Seung Gi and Jang Geun Seuk who are  probably the same around that guy. Anyway the comedy parts were better than the melo ones and all in all, I'm happy but not over the moon. This one is recommended.

City of Bones

City of Bones is yet another best selling YA novel that already has a movie adaptation. I got it for free using my points (and I have gotten the second book too while I'm at it because I roll like that and it cannot be all like Fifty Shades of Grey right?)

Anyway, this one is better than Twilight (at least there is a rather visible twist there) but nowhere close to being good such as, say Hunger Games or Harry Potter.

There is the awkward girl, the two guys who love her and all sorts of supernatural creatures. And although the writing is not really very good, the story telling is so I enjoyed on some level. Happy that I got the second book but I don't think I'll purchase further (maybe they will fall in to my lap sometime in the future)

Not really recommended but do not kick it out if it comes your way. Airport is a good place to read it for instance.  

The Turk Who Loved Apples

The Turk Who Loved Apples is a memoir written by a travel writer friend. Matt Gross is a great guy and a seasoned traveller. And while the theme of the book is travel, it is about his life and how he came to be himself.

I cannot be objective about this book. I liked it and will recommend. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy The book was much much better.


Drive Now this one is a film that seemed tailor made for me on paper. But for some reason I couldn't get into it. 


Shame  This is the type of film I like. Clean cinematography, close ups of the actors and the story was interesting too. I liked Michael Fassbender in it but I fail to see the charm of Carey Mulligan. 

Innocent Journey

Innocent Journey This one was better than The Third Lady and I was really into it. 

Midnight in Paris

Midnight in Paris directed by Woody Allen. Well I like even the not so good films of Mr.Allen and this one is one of the good ones. Not only Paris is showcased at its best but we get to meet and party with famous literary characters and painters too. 

Love Rain

Love Rain This is the type of old school drama I really like. And I liked this one as well. The cinematography, the music, the story all appealed to me. And the two leads were great. Jang Geun Seuk is an actor really like. He has such good speaking voice. This is the first time I watched Yoona and she is very good too. 

Shanghai Girls

Shanghai Girls by Lisa See turned out to be a lot better than the other novel of hers I have read, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. Not only it was a real page turner with everything the sisters go through but also I think this is the book that gave me a feel of what Shanghai was like at the time (been there but that mood is of course long gone). And the way the novel ended seemed to invite a sequel. Maybe it is not a good idea. 

The Long Kiss Goodnight

The Long Kiss Goodnight directed by Renny Harlin. The first time I saw this was at a very old theatre in the town I live in. My sister and I enjoyed it a lot, not only because it is a decent action film with a kick ass female lead, but also there was not one iota of heating in theatre and we were freezing our asses off (the film has a lot of icy, snowy scenes). Actually this is my sister's dvd!


 Montage directed by Jeung Geun Sub.  This is one of the films I have caught on the twist when the director wanted me to. Enjoyed it too but I don't think I'll be revisiting it anytime soon.


Alone This film is directed by Banjong Pisanthanakun and Parkpoom Wongpoom who also directed Shutter one of the few horror films that geniunely gave me the creeps. Now this is one of those films with a twist and I never saw it coming. Creeped me out but not as much as Shutter. 

Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier

Cold Mountain  This very cheap in Goodwill and I said to myself it is now or never. I didn't see the film and I don't want to because the book was very very good.

Fast and Furious Films

I had some bonus points in my credit card and I used some of them to purchase this. And it ended up being a happy purchase!

Paul Walker has passed away just before I was going to watch the last film. God rest his soul in peace.

The Fast and The Furious This was one of the only two I have watched in theatre. It is fun and entertaining but didn't leave much impression.

Too Fast Too Furious This one is my least fave in the series and not because it doesn't have Vin Diesel. It is such a toy film with the conflicts and consequences a bit cartoonish. It was still fun though.

Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift I like this one better since it is in Tokyo. The main lead in this film looked a lot older than a high school student and it kind of marred my viewing.

Fast and Furious Now this one was very entertaining and flowed by. Good action, decent acting better than all the rest I have put in so far.

Fast Five  This is probably my fave among all six. I felt for these guys and their conflicts seem too real. And I liked the fact that they are essentially trying to stop stealing and live like honest citiziens.

Furious Six This one is the one where things get bigger and not necessarily better. I didn't like the baddie and the whole thing felt a bit shallow and not as impressive. I actually dosed off somewhere towards the end.

The Third Lady

This is one of those I bought from a seconhand book store in San Francisco. Never heard of the novelist before but I'm all in for a decent mystery and like Japanese writers in English translation and since the book is actually small I have purchased more than one from this author.

 Now I took the photo at the end of November (either 27th or 28th) so I must have read it then.
It was not bad, not bad at all. I kind of saw the twist coming (recently this is happening to me more than I care for) but it didn't take away from the book. All in all it ended up being an enjoyable read.

New Year and I Hope to Be Better At Recording Stuff

Yes. I'm still so bad at putting the stuff I have read and watched out there. The books I have read in total is 17 in Good Reads and the fact that it is not correct bothers me somehow. And I have completely let this blog moldy. Well no time is better than the present right?

Good thing is that the phone records the date of the photos so I'll be able to track what I did when (that is if I bothered taking a photo, seriously just how long does it take to press a button???)

Off with the laziness on with dilligence.

I wonder whether I shall post in English or in Turkish? It will depend on how I feel like it I suppose. Maybe both??