Thursday, January 9, 2014

Queen In Hyu's Man (or Queen and I)

Queen in Hyu's Man is one that belongs to a minority group. Everyone who saw it liked it.  I'm not going to disagree, I liked it, happy that I purchased it (great deal on ebay). But I was not IN LOVE with it. You know the way I liked Love Rain or am currently loving Answer 1997.
One of the reasons is that I probably more like the female lead as "angel" type. Or at least a "Candy" (now original Candy, I'm most definitely a fan) but this one is a street smart, sassy girl who is kind at heart but otherwise not very special.
The male lead is OK but I just couldn't like the actor. The performance was good but for some reason I couldn't get into him. This is not a matter of age since I like Lee Seung Gi and Jang Geun Seuk who are  probably the same around that guy. Anyway the comedy parts were better than the melo ones and all in all, I'm happy but not over the moon. This one is recommended.

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