Thursday, January 9, 2014


Nemesis is very good. This is the third Harry Hole (and fourth altogether) novel I read and am happy that the series seem to get better with each book. At this one Harry is in a decent relationship and at not a bad place in his career. But he is still worried that he has not solved Ellen's murder. And keeps working on it on the sly. This one has a lot of elements surrounding a revenge theme (no surprise that I liked it), there is bank robbery, murder, criminals escaping abroad, gypsies and I ate it all up. I was hoping that Ellen's murderer will be caught but even though Harry I think has zeroed in on him, he didn't act against him in this one.
Very eager to read the next book in line. Although I think that this author is very inspired by Ian Rankin and Rebus. Well as far as I'm concerned he couldn't choose a better inspiration. 

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