Monday, January 27, 2014

Doctor Sleep

Doctor Sleep took my breath away. Stephen King is one of my favorite authors (especially his earlier novels are true gems) and this one is the perfect sequel to Shining.


I really thought Dan was going to die and it was such a nice surprise that he actually get to live, stay sober and have a nice life helping people. Seriously thank you Mr.King, I'd probably have a minor heartbreak if he passed away (first cancer scare then the woman with the sickle).

This book is highly recommended but you should read the Shining first.

A few thoughts about the audiobooks. What to do when listening to them? If I was able to drive a car (real traffic monster here) it would be the ideal environment to listen to them but otherwise the only time I feel good is when walking. Doctor Sleep was so exciting that I went out for 2 hour walks twice a day just to listen. And it is heavy winter here now so downloading a new book and trying to listen to it while walking doesn't make much sense.
The task I have in hand is to list my dvds but it is not pleasurable to listen to a novel and write at the same time (although curiously it was not difficult).

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