Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Gangster Squad

The Gangster Squad   was not a film I was particularly interested in since I saw the trailer when in USA and Sean Penn and his fake nose kind of turned me off. Also the visual sensibilities were nothing that we have not seen before. To top it off, while I'm not immune to Mr.Gosling's charms (I'm a woman after all) he is not the star of my fantasies (that place is occupied by either Leonardo Di Caprio or Takeshi Kaneshiro).
So I was going to let it pass but started watching the beginning and liked it a lot. The thing that appealed to me most was the story. How honest men rise against evil despite the consequences. And in the end I was a happy viewer all together. Also I like Josh Brolin. He is a good actor. Emma Stone is also always welcome.
And Sean Penn did a great job despite the nose. 

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