Friday, June 8, 2012

Moonlight Mile - End, You are My Pet, My Cousin Rachel

Moonlight Mile ended and I didn't feel like leaving the book yet. Dennis Lehane I love you.

I also love Daphne Du Maurier. Started My Cousin Rachel this morning at the staff shuttle bus and didn't want to drop it. Started so nicely and going on very very well so far.

I also watched You are My Pet last night and it was such a bad film that even I who tends to go easy on bad rom-coms regretted watching it. Well since I truly like Jang Geun Seuk and his speaking voice I have watched it till the end but it didn't get any better. It is a weird plot made worse by a truly bad script and silly direction. Seriously. Well I could have felt some satisfaction if only there was a modicum of chemistry between the lead but no. They looked and felt like brother and sister. Safely skip it even if you like any of the actors (and I like both), do not even come near this one, you may be contaminated.

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