Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bedevilled, Fifty Shades of Grey - End, Moonlight Mile

Bedevilled is a film that would make it hard to watch again. Both emotionally and physically very violent. Koreans do not do classic horror well but they have a knack for this type of film (I Saw The Devil, The Chaser) and this one was no exception.

I have finally finished Fifty Shades of Grey and started reading Moonlight Mile written by Dennis Lehane. I like this writer, his novels are so good but they do not translate to film as well. Even Clint while making it exactly like the book, the way the characters talk and gestured etc. couldn't make it as good as the book. Anyway this one is a follow up to Gone Baby Gone (they made a film out of that one too) and even though I have not read GBG there is a decent little summary of the book and I don't feel like being left out. So far Moonlight Mile is reallly good.

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