Monday, June 4, 2012

Black & White - End

Black & White is completed on weekend and despite its numerous and obvious flaws I ended up liking this one - probably more than I should have. I even ended up crying hard in Episode 22. Also everything wrapped up nicely in the end. Vic Zhou is not bad and the other guy is also kind of good. I liked him here much much better than I liked him in Monga.

Now it is a high possibility that there will not be any withdrawal syndromes and I sort of feel lighter now that I have finished it. Like when one finishes up a homework or something like that. This is not the way I was supposed to feel no? Well that's it for Taiwanese dramas for me. It is not likely that I'll be eager to watch one soon. (I still like Meteor Garden better than Hana Yori Dango though).

And I'm very close to finishing Fifty Shades of Grey and I have realised that during a temporary insanity at the airport - that made me cause to purchase this stupid book- I had also purchased Fifty Shades Darker (well this sounds promising since maybe there will be some R rated scenes in that one) but I don't feel like reading about the stupid heroine of the novel. I need a break from all the shallowness and self love (she not only has an inner goddess but also a subconscious who pops up sometimes in reading glasses etc.).

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