Thursday, June 21, 2012

Death Note, Black Tulip - End, Be Strong Geum Soon (BSGS)

Ok the night before last I was still on a Zeni Genba/Kenichi Matsuyama high and foolishly decided to rewatch Death Note (where Matsuyama shows up at the end) I would have watched the second one but couldn't find the dvd in the cupboard. Well as expected I fell asleep. I'm saying as expected since from Sunday I was never able to complete night prayers and morning prayers on time. Thank God last night I started Be Strong Geum Soon (BSGS) and I was able to complete the night prayers and managed to wake up for the morning prayers too. Success! BSGS is what is called a 'daily drama' I suppose. The episodes are shorter so it goes down really easy.

In the first three episodes we find that our heroine Geum Soon is a happy go lucky girl whose parents are dead. She is not very academic and trains to be Beautician (but so far failed the exam twice, not because she is incompetent but because she has a small bladder). She lives with her paternal grandmother and they are very close with her paternal uncle and his family. This uncle and his family rents room to students and Geum Soon managed to get pregnant from their current lodger (who is Bidam). She went to talk to him and his reaction after hearing the news was asking for more time to think about this. He is only a student (of computer sciences) and still has to go to army duty (for two years). Meanwhile at his house in Seoul his mother (after having met our lovely heroine) thinks that this girl likes her son but she is so much beneath her precious. She has two other sons, one works at a bank and the other is jobless and sits at the house all day reading manhwa and occasionally going out and charging large bills to his brothers credit card. Bank Bro likes a girl who is the interior designer for that bank's second floor and Bank Bro volunteers to help out during the weekends just because he likes her (she didn't even remember him when they first met years later from their uni days btw, and looks to be out of his league).

Black Tulip is finished and with a happy ending too. But the other members of the book club are not even halfway yet (and man, I took my time).

Also I'm reading the second book of Fifty Shades (thanking God that I didn't purchase the third) now this is a book I love to hate and there are lots of R rated scenes but nowhere a good prose.

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