Monday, April 6, 2015


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Whiplash is a film I have been eager to watch. Not only because it got all these great reviews and an Oscar for the supporting role, but also I like psychological suspense films. And this one was excellent. It was nicely edited for starters. There is never a dull moment. And great performances by everyone (not a wide cast).

The film is about a drummer in the best music school in USA, getting into the school's best band ruled by a conductor who is respected by everyone, revered by his students and is, I think, an emotional sadist, who has found a plausable excuse for his tortures. He thinks that the only way to get a talented musician to reach his full potential is to push the musician to his/her limits. His way of pushing is manipulation, constant insults and humiliation and lying to his students. Trust JK Simmongs to give this chracter life in a way that at least you want to hear him out, at one point.

Our protagonist Andrew is talented and driven, already and seemingly all he needs is someone to bring out the best in him. Pyscho teacher is willing and he pushes him to the very limits.

The ending was a good one. A reconciliation and an understanding over music but you know that one party will remain psycho (since he now thinks that his methods are validated) and the other on his way there already.

This one deserves every praise and I highly recommend. 

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