Friday, April 24, 2015

Fated to Love You (Korean Remake)

Fated to Love You yes I loved the original Taiwanese version and was looking forward to this one as well. But I was not ready to just how much I was going to love it. First off I love Jang Hyuk (more on that below) and I don't mind Jang Nara at all.

And this one turns out to be a chip off the old romantic comedy Korean drama block. Everything is there, the angelic secondary male lead, the charismatic, offensive chebol male lead who actually has a heart of gold, terminal illness, wonderful "angel" female lead, amnesia, evil secondary female lead. Also some cute meta, some cute animations and a very Korean and nice take on the zany original.

Our male lead is Lee Kon, who is capable, handsome in love with his girlfriend of 6 years and on his way to propose to her. This girlfriend is a career oriented ballerina who loves him but also takes him for granted. Kon's parents have died when he was a kid and there is some sort of heridetary disease that causes all the males in this line to die early.

Our female lead is Kim Miyoung. She is a very nice girl who doesn't want to say no to people who ask for favours since she is scared of hurting anyone's feelings. Her dad died when she was a child and her mother and two elder sisters are living in their home town small island.

And yes, fate brings these two together with a memorable one night stand which leaves Miyoung pregnant and Kon obliged to marry her since he just can't allow his child (whose heartbeats he has heard) to be aborted.

And after some lack of communication from Kon (which is very unusual in their relationship) Se-Ra the girlfriend visits and finds the horrible truth. Meanwhile Kon is slowly but surely falling in love wiht his adorable wife.

Our secondary lead is Daniel who is a famous industrial designer and is looking for his sister. He lost her and later was adopted to USA. They meet cute with Miyoung who thought he was a priest. Of course handsome Daniel falls for Miyoung too.

And just when things are getting good for our couple (despite external annoyances trying to tear them apart) amnesia makes a visit. We have an episode full of angst and it goes on since this amnesia may very well be an early symptom of the disease. So logically we need to see some noble idiocy and we do, oh how we do. Miyoung loses their baby due to a car accident. And despite the fact she wanted to get back to Kon, he curtly refuses her (since he doesn't want her to go through the suffering of having to take care of someone who has a terminal illness - Huntington's Disease), she is young and should live her life.

Well as we all know these two are fated together and after a 3 year time jump, she returns to Korea now an up and coming artist (paintings) and he is so adorable in wanting to see her but also being resolute in his decision of not getting her involved. And she thinks he is a cold hearted man who never loved her and forgot about their baby as soon as it was gone.

Well we have a happy ending and I actually marathoned this one 6 episodes back to back, pulling an all nighter (something I used to do in the old days when I was first introduced to Korean dramas).  And it was worth it.

Now for Jang Hyuk. This actor is one of my favorites in Korean cinema and especially drama. He is good looking but in a regular way. He didn't have plastic surgery and even his teeth are his own (although capped of course). His acting style is not sublime. He tends to overact but it suits him. He is the master of "single tear" and is the BEST on screen kisser in Korean drama and film. His lips are strange in the fact that his upper lip tends to dissapear when he laughs or speaks but is full otherwise. he also has a beauty spot on his lip which is just adorable. This man is usually at his best in period dramas where he suffers a lot (Chuno) but he does good comedy too. Even though I have found traces of the iconic Dokko Jin in the performance I still liked it especially because he struck the right tones in all shades of melodrama. Kudos. And thank you!

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