Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Innocent Thing

Innocent Thing turned out to be predictable but entertaining. I only bought because I like Jang Hyuk. And he didn't dissapoint. He plays a high school physical education teacher. He is in his thirties with a pregnant wife. He used to be rugby player but now got his job due to his in laws' connections and even though they have a decent life they are not really well off (which kind of bugs the in laws). His wife loves him and his job is not bad. The problem is that it is an all girls high school and he is handsome, attracting a lot of good natured attention from the majority of the girls. It helps that his co worker is an old friend and she is always there for him. But one of the girls really falls for him and tries hard to seduce him and almost succeeds at a rainy evening. They are luckily interrupted before they went further than probably first base. But the girl's feelings are strong and he is not indifferent. So everything goes from bad to worse. And it ends badly (especially for the girl)

All in all I'll not recommend unless you are into any of the actors (who were all good).

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