Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Cassandra's Dream

Photo credit: http://www.dvdbeaver.com

Cassandra's Dream Oddly enough I had not heard anything about it prior to coming across it on TV. I love Evan McGregor and despite feeling guilty about it, I love Woody Allen films. This one is no exception. It is darker than his usual filmography (closer to Match Point in tone) since even when he is telling a story of bad things, he manages to keep a light tone (Scoop is such a film, or Blue Jasmine - which is one of my all time faves). Not in this one. It is starts somehow light but one feels that things are going to get worse, meanwhile everytime a nice thing happens I was surprised and the film went deeper and deeper into bad lands.

Still I liked it. Now Colin Farrell is not my type of actor but this doesn't mean that I think he is a bad actor. In fact I think his performance in this one was better than McGregor's (I still like McGregor A LOT more than him) and I think it is because Farrel suited Allen's directing a lot better. Sometimes actors do and there is a certain chemistry between the actor and the director. McGregor didn't have it this time with Woody but it didn't hurt anything.

This one may not be for everybody but I loved it (and felt guilty about loving it). 

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