Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Death Note: The Last Name

Death Note: The Last Name I thought I somehow lost this dvd since I looked for it like a crazy person, even to the extent of going into my rather intidy dvd cupboard to no avail. But now that I have new shelves and I'm actually trying to list all my dvds, this one popped up from a carton to my utter delight. Now Death Note is well liked both as manga and film but it is special to me since it introduced me to one of my favorite actors Kenichi Matsuyama. I love this guy's face. And of course loved L (I almost always like the good guys no matter who play them). Just look at him

Photo credit http://ilarge.listal.com/

Granted, he may not be for everyone but I thought he was great. And it is not just the character (who is a very interesting one) but the actor. I have watched him in other stuff since then and always like him.

So the second viewing of Death Note: The Last Name was just as entertaining as the first one and I'm happy not to have lost the dvd.

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