Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Photo from http://www.timeoutabudhabi.com

Spread was one of the film selections at Digidvd and I decided to give it a try since I like Ashton Kutcher. Well not enough to seek the films he acted in or watch the sitcom etc. but enough to pick a film out of a selection because he is in it. This one is not a happy story of a hustler/prostitute who is just carpe dieming his way out of rich and successful older women of LA. At the beginning of the story he just doesn't seem to realise or care about what he is doing and enjoying it to the full. But as time passes and as he falls in love with a woman who is a female equivalent of himself, the truth hits him like a hammer.
I guess this film is not well liked and no wonder. It is a very harsh film not being good to any of its characters. But also not harsh enough that it ends up being one of those slap like films that leaves you dazed afterwards. And the only happiness we get out of the ending is (SPOILER) that our protagonist seems to wake up to the fact that what he did was not a good thing and he chose hard work over luxuries gained by selling his body.

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