Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Oryx and Crake

Oryx and Crake  The joy of discovering a writer whose works you immediately connect is unfortunately not a common one - at least for me. There used to be only three writers whose works give that wonderful, tingly thrill, and those are Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy and Haruki Murakami. Yes there are novels and other works of art that gave me that certain feeling thank God but a writer whose prose is so tailored to my reading needs and desires is such a blessing that I want to shout over the rooftops and weep.
Since Margaret Atwood is such a writer as far as I'm concerned. The Blind Assassin was wonderful and Orxy and Crake is also wonderful.

Now I never thought I'd be into dystopian novels. But now that I think of it, I love Blade Runner and liked Brazil to bits, so the feeling must have been there, lying dormant among my usual optimism. Well the author who took it from that dusty corner and placed it at the display window is Paolo Bacigalupi and his The Wind - Up Girl. And now that I liked Oryx and Crake so much so that I immediately started the sequel The Year of The Flood and already purchased MaddAdam.

Well I don't really want to talk about the novel itself since obviously I recommend everyone to go and read it (or listen to it if that is your thing) but it is so well written, so beautiful in its prose that it makes one pick up a pen and write something.

Thank you Ms.Atwood.

I'm really into audiobooks now, being a woman of habit and one who approaches anything new cautiously with hesitation, it took me a while to get used to them. But they do combine two things I love, literature and walking. So now I'm deeply into them and here is a special shout out to Mr. Campbell Scott, whose acting leaves me void but whose reading of this book was so so good now I'd have liked it even if it was read by Kristin Chenoweth but he did the novel justice in my opinion. So there.  

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