Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Master's Sun

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The Master's Sun is the drama I have been so eager to watch and  I have marathoned the last 7 episodes on Saturday (it was a rainy day and perfect for a drama marathon) I had not done that for years!

The first reason I was eager for this drama is the male lead So Ji Sub. He is one of those perfect looking people as far as I'm concerned. Flawless (the others include Takeshi Kaneshiro, Charlize Theron, Song Seung Hun). And I also think he is a good actor, especially in comedy. But to be honest I wouldn't care even if he was not since looking at him makes me happy.
As you can see in the above pic, he is the icy chaebol with unseen emotional wounds and she is the Candy whose life is ruined after she started to see ghosts (I think this one is lifted from The Ghost Whisperer). When she touches him, the ghosts dissapear so she sticks to him like a glue after a chance encounter and manages (of course) to break his icy barriers and reach into his actually kind and good (of course) heart. But he is wounded for a reason because he was kidnapped for ransom when he was a teenager and he has found out that the kidnapper was partnered his first love and girlfriend at the time. Furthermore this girl died when escaping from the police. Also the ransom (a very expensive diamond necklace) was never found.

Secondary lead is the guy in Answer Me 1997 and he is the professional bodyguard/security expert employed by our lead's estranged Dad who works in the mall our chaebol owns and spies on the son for the father. The secondary female is a model who is our female lead's school friend but she doesn't like her (of course).

Our kind hearted older man is chaebol's secretary who is totally in team Tae Yang (female lead's nick name) but with secrets of his own.

I have shed many tears over the stories of the individual ghosts and laughed out loud during funny scenes.
I like Hong sisters but they tend to repeat themselves and this one reminded me of Best Love (excellent show) but I'm not complaining. I enjoyed this to the last drop.

I had a pic of my own dvd (now will be on the "good for repeat viewings" shelf but my phone went down the toilet just as I was flushing (ewwww I know but since it was flushing, I got it out) and had to buy a new phone and forgot to take a pic on the new one. Hopefully will remedy that tomorrow since I like this Singapore dvd with good English subtitles (Kang Chi dvd was from the same company).

Highly recommended.

And here is the pic of my dvd of it

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