Wednesday, May 28, 2014


MaddAddam is the last book of the triology and it was a such a fitting end to everything. Now there will be spoilers.

Margaret Atwood instantly won this reader's heart with The Blind Assassin and with this triology she is firmly included among my all time fave novelists (formerly three now four, I'm lucky). Her prose, as my other fave writers is deceptively simple. The sentences flow by without clutter and pretension. When I read her words I want to grab a pen and write and write and write...

As for the triology, MaddAddam is a worth edition to dystopian fiction that I recently discovered that I liked all along. That was a surprise but not an unpleasant one. In these novels we meet with interesting characters and her vision of future seems to possible that it is even more scary. My favorite character was Toby (I guess that is what the writer is intended) but I also symphatise with the fragile Snowman, tragic Snowman with love of words and not that much of mental strenghth. I liked it that his death actually meant something and saved some people. Zeb is not really my type of person but he was fascinating to read about and I really liked Adam One, who might have been a different sort of a villain but he is not. I liked many of his ideas and I felt really bad for him when he died.

Crakers were hillarious and it was good to see that people and pigoons have come to an agreement.

All in all these three are now among my favorite novels and I have already started The Handmaid's Tale and I'm not feeling any amount of Atwood overdose. 

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