Tuesday, May 20, 2014

2 Guns

Photocredit: http://www.telegraph.co.uk

2 Guns was another Digidvd choice presented and I kind of hesitated to chose it. I like action films, love Denzel Washington and don't have Mark Wahlberg but was not in the mood for pseudo action those of directors from ex SSR countries since they mostly dissapointed me.

Not this one though. It was very entertaining with the story of two undercovers (one DEA agent, the other a U.S Marine) partner in crime without being aware that they are on the same side. Add to that corrupt Marine officers using them to rob a bank where corrupt CIA officers store their bribes form drug cartels and the whole thing was even more fun. I love the performances, the chemistry and the costumes. Denzel aged very well and pulls off that goatee like a boss. The action was clear and the script entertaining. All in all this ended up being a lovely surprise I was not expecting at all. 

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