Monday, November 4, 2013

Nice Guy - End, Passion, The Conversation, Funny Games U.S, The Salvation of a Saint - End

Well it turned out to be a very fruitful weekend.

The Conversation It is weird but I do like Gene Hackman better now that I'm old. I also liked this film very much. Despite the fact that I'm not fond of jazz and this film's soundtrack was all jazz. I also liked how people looked real in the films. Now most of the people on film or TV look weird, plastic.

Passion Now I like Mr.De Palma's visual sensibilities. I like Rachel MacAddams and Noomi Rapace. So I ended up liking this not very good and predictable film.

Funny Games U.S Nowhere near as effective as the original. Maybe because the actors in the first one were unfamiliar hence the horror of the whole thing looked very real, maybe because I knew what was going on or maybe because the exposition here was more prominent and I was kind of a turn off. All in all this one can't hold a candle to the original.

I also finished The Salvation of a Saint and loved it nearly as much as The Devotion of Suspect X.

Nice Guy ended with a band. I actually marathoned the last 5 episodes and not because I couldn't wait to see what will happen but more due to finishing it as quick as I can. Well I underestimated the power Song Joong Ki since his performance was so so good that I have found myself shedding copious amount of tears and worrying whether he'll be alright in the end. This one is not a good drama but at least SJK was worth it. 

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