Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Kumral Ada Mavi Tuna - End, The Blind Assassin

Well last night was reserved for Kumral Ada Mavi Tuna only and it didn't dissapoint. I have found out that this novel is translated into English (along with three other languages) as Mediterranean Waltz. Haruki Murakami's novels taught me to appreciate surrealism woven into regular fiction and this one was such novel. Some parts of it were political and social observations / critiqué and I liked how they were included within. The characters seemed really one of those (unfortunately extremely) familar intellectual types going through existential crisis but as I read through their trials starting from childhood I started to like them and their worries seemed more organic as I read along. And Tuna character is the type of selfless romantic that I really  love reading in fiction. All in all this was a very good gift of literature so thank you Ms. Uzuner.

And almost started to read Redbreast by Jo Nesbo. It is the second book of the Hole series and there happened to be a Turkish translation in the house but I fear that the translation is from English (translated from Norwegian) but even though I enjoy reading his books I decided not to worry about this for a Jo Nesbo novel. Anyway in the end I decided against reading it right after Kumral Ada Mavi Tuna because it is in Turkish. I wanted to read something English so finally I have started 

The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. Now I have been curious about Ms.Atwood's novels, especially The Handmaiden (sadly this was not available in any of the almost all secondhand bookshops in San Francisco and Berkeley I have looked into). So I got a short story book and this one. 
So far I'm intrigued and really into it. This is such a good feeling, starting to read a book and liking it immediately. 

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