Friday, November 15, 2013

The Blind Assassin - End, Kızılgerdan (Redbreast), The Great Chef Eps. 14

 First of all The Blind Assassin ended to my dismay (I can't believe I have not picked up every single one of Margaret Atwood books at the second hand bookstores in SF.) It is one of those special books that made me want to write. There are many writers who are my favorites but only very few who inspire me to just write and it seems like Margaret Atwood is one of them. Too bad that I have not the talent, nor the discipline. If I had the former I'd be compelled to write and if I had the latter then I'd have a more productive   time pass (not really more useful, just more productive). Anyway needless to say, I LOVED it.

Then I have started Kızılgerdan (Redbreast) which is translated to English from Norwegian and then to Turkish from that English and it shows. But to my surprise I find that I'm enjoying it very much (when I skimmed at the back of it, the neo nazi plot turned me off - hate faschist of any kind, I don't like war even in fiction) but this one is interesting and there is a romantic story too. I find it a better novel than The Bat. And I don't even care for the mystery.

As for the The Great Chef it falls victim to that time of the month. I keep falling asleep and couldn't even finish 3 episodes last night. I'm hoping I'll do better tonight since I actually like the show and Sung Chan. But recently it just doesn't have any thrills that glues to me to screen. 

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