Monday, November 18, 2013

Not so Fruitful Weekend of Films, The Great Chef - End

Joshua Meh

The Possession Meh

The only good film I tried to watch this weekend was The White Ribbon and unfortunately for some unknown reason the recording stopped probably at about 3/4 of the film. Now I need to either record it again (properly this time) or get the dvd (which may actually be a good idea since I like it a lot).

I have finished the 24th and final episode of The Great Chef last night and it was good to the last drop. I love Sung Chan and the way everything is resolved. He through his goodness reconciled with people who you'd never think he'd look at twice. And at least now everyone is sort of happy and neither of the brothers are actually at Unamjung. I still do not like Sung Chan and Ji Soo and would much rather Sung Chan ended up with Joo Hee but alas one cannot have everything. This ended up being a good ride and tears flowed at appropriate places.

Still reading and loving Redbreast, this one is so much better than both The Headhunter and The Bat.

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