Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Gallants, Native Speaker - End, Hot Ice

The Gallants  stayed away from this one for a long time despite the good reviews. I just didn't want to watch old men fighting and nostalgia etc. but in the end I have decided to give it a try (I'm in a bit of a dry spell, where nothing seems interesting anymore etc.) predictably I loved it. It has that certain HK film quirks and comedy which appeals to me and I loved the oldies and their fights were good too. I recommed (but do not expect any eye candy)

I have finally finished Native Speaker and even though it nicely escalated towards the end and I do love that I got almost all the Korean references it ended up not a book to my own heart. He is a good writer, it is a decent story but somehow we just didn't connect (by we I mean me as the reader and him as the writer).

So I'm planning to start on Hot Ice by Nora Roberts at my lunch break. Now in my visits to U.S.A I have seen that this lady is one of the writers who has most book on the shelves (of everytype of store). So when I have found one of her books at the secondhand book fair I didn't hesitate. I'm expecting light reading.

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