Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Blind Date, Like Crazy, Friday Night Lights Season 1 Eps. 9, Forbrydelsen Season I - End & Beginning of Season 2, Sing You Home - End, A Demon In My View

Well, I have to start somewhere so

Sing You Home - another winner from Judi Picoult. I loved right to the very end (unexpected tears flowed).

A Demon in My View written by my favorite Ruth Rendell is very good. I love her writing style and the way she describes things. Apparently there is an unexpected ending but I'm not holding my breath for it. As usual when the comes to Rendell I love the journey more than the destination.

Blind Date - this cute little rom com entertained me and I have a good time watching it (tears).

Like Crazy - this one was pretty much pointless. I don't know why I have stuck with it (probably because Jeniffer Lawrence - who was so very good in Winter's Bone was in a small role)

I have finally opened up my long awaiting Friday Night Lights dvd. I get why people like it so much but I'm not totally enamoured with it the way a lot of people are. I'm enjoying the first season very much though. To no one's surprise Jason Street is the guy I like best (I like this actor too, the first time I remember watching him was in The Good Wife) but the coach is kind of cute too. Anyway I like how American the whole thing is and despite the fact that almost all leads look way older than the high school extras, there is a sense of reality to it (probably because of the cinematography).

My recent TV show crush though is Danish Forbrydelsen. I loved loved loved Season 1 to bits and have only watched the first episode of season 2 but completely hooked anyway. Sarah Lund is a great character and I think Danish actors are very good looking but in a real, non plastic way.

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