Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday Night Lights Eps.18, A Theater of Love - End, Native Speaker,

Friday Night Lights continue to entertain me. I think I'll have slight withdrawal symptoms but not enough to order the continuing seasons.

I'm afraid Jason's heart will break, this time not by Leila but by not making the quad football team to go to Beijing. They made such a point of it that I think this dream will crash and burn. On the bright side Leila and he finally managed to have sex and are very happy together.

The Coach continues to be amazing (even his name is amazing, Eric - sigh) and meet each challenge with the right attitude. God I love this man, ideal husband - who doesn't exist in real life. He actually reminds me a bit of a Texan Steve Carella (yet another fictional great husband).

I have finished A Theater of Love and it was good to the last drop. This book has only one other novella left in it.

Meanwhile I have started Native Speaker written by Lee Chang Rae. It turned out to be a very good novel although I'm not in love with it -yet.

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