Thursday, March 7, 2013

Agneepath (Remake), Sing You Home

Agneepath remake turned out to be better than I expected. Hrithik Roshan, despite looking saggy and worn out - in the face-, was the right choice for the film. He had good chemistry with Sanjay Dut who played the arch villain Kancha and with Rishi Kapoor who played the minor villain Rauf Lala. Revenge stories usually appeal to me and this one was good in that regard and I liked the visual sensibilities even though they were a bit in your face, they still looked good and more importantly served the story.

Acting was better than I expected, Rishi Kapoor is my all time fave on screen Kapoor and he was easily the best in the cast. Munnabhai is the only time I care to watch Sanjay Dutt on screen but he was decent as the villain and hammed it up just at the right dose. Hrithik Roshan also hammed it up, yep flaring nostrils, screaming to the heavens etc. were all there but they were also mixed with sweet, understated Hrithik of Zoya Akthar films and to be honest the film required the ham and Hrithik has a way of coming off as completely sincere in this type of grand scale Bollywood production, which is all one needs in the end.

Now comes the weak link, Priyanka Chopra. The woman tries but to watch her try was almost painful this time since everything she did was a miss. I could practically hear the director's directions as she ploughed through. And there are things that can generate fake tears right? Why not use them if you can't produce real ones. Also I think she needs another rhinoplasty since that nose started to slant to one side.

Now of the item number, yeah Katrina is not Malaika nor Bipasha and I can't call her a good dancer but she has the moves, she has the eyes and she has the panache. Is it one of the best item numbers ever? Of course not. Did I watch it again after the film ended? Yes.

One last thing, I love you Abhishek and you are the start of my heart but as a viewer I'm grateful that the lead role didn't go to you.

And I have started Jodi Picoult novel Sing You Home and even though the plot seems ridicilous when you read it, she somehow managed to make it work and I'm loving it so far.

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