Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Be Strong Geum Soon

Oh last night I had to give in to sleep and only managed to watch 5 more episodes (instead of my usual six)

Geum Soon is rehired after passing perma test with flying colours. Mama is very sympathetic to her and actually wants to know more about her life. Jae Hee is crushed and told Geum Soon that he doesn't like her anymore because mothers with small kids are not his thing. Well he mouth says these words but he is very unhappy and never smiles anymore.

And just as Old Doctor arranged a lunch meeting with Geum Soon and about to tell her the TRUTH, Geum Soon's uncle came back with  a bang. He is arrested and had to go to prison for possibly three years since he is under enormous debt (something about100.000 USD). Family is unhappy of course but there is nothing they can do at this stage.

Noh family is unhappy too since Sung Ran is a very different sort of daughter in law. Talking back to MIL and stating that she doesn't like to do housework especially after coming back from work and how come Bank Bro or other men do not have to do it while she has to, when she works harder than her husband. Well she has a point but she is also a bit harsh.

Real Mom is in hospital. She had to be given the ".. juoules clear!!!" thing after her heart stopped but she came back. Of course Aunt in Law told her that her husband knows all about Geum Soon gave her a shock but I don't think much will come out of it. She is not going to divorce him as she threatened him in earlier episodes. 

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