Monday, July 9, 2012

Battle Los Angeles, One Day, Be Strong Geum Soon until 23, The Beautiful and Damned - End, Villain, 22/11/1963, Nana

Ok I realised I have not been writing for sometime so here is what I watched and read meanwhile

Batlle Los Angeles I loved it. This is suprising since was is my least fave cinema genre, the film was cheesy and predictable, the dialogues were silly but I could definitely see what was going on and the actors were all very good.

One Day I have been wanting to watch this for sometime and now that I finally did I can say that the best part of the film was remembering the book. I also didn't like the fact that they have omitted Emma's affair with her boss who is married. Emma was not a saint and this made the whole story so much beautiful and real. The two leads were also not bad but not so good that I'd want to purchase this one.

Be Strong Geum Soon Geum Soon and her troubles are on going but this time she is slightly more savy. Finally she met with Jae Hee and of course it was not a good meeting. He hated her on sight and she didn't like him since he prevented her work (of distributing health products) Eun Jae actually kicked her out. Her mother in law is not talking to her again but this time it is because Geum Soon started working - with good intentions since she has to be a mother and a father to her son so she needs to start as early as she possibly can, no? But her Mother in Law thinks she should wait a year so Wee Sung can go to creshe. The problem is that Mother in Law's health is fragile (and to give her credit, she is not faking it, she is indeed of a weaker disposition) and cannot look at the baby. Anway Geum Soon refuses to give in to her and continues to work.
Meanwhile Geum Soon's mother - who is living in luxury with her doctor husband - started to show symptoms of kidney disease again but hides it from her husband. Jae Hee is the husband's student. Real Mother's elder stepdaughter is in love with Jae Hee but her father doesn't want her to get involved. The reasons are that Jae Hee doesn't know who his father is and more importantly, he doesn't have a heart. Well we think he says the truth since when Geum Soon accidentally bumped him at the hospital parking lot with her scooter he not only pressed charges but also made her wait at the police station until she receives the fake medical report saying that it will take six weeks for him to heal. The thing is that it will take four weeks for his little finger to heal but he asked his doctor friend to say six since this is the time limit which will keep Geum Soon in jail. The policeman took pity on her and made her wait at the actual station all night while trying to locate Jae Hee. Jae Hee actually went to work next morning and when he found out that his colleague acted upon his request he goes mad. He says that doctors should have ethics and conscience and that the colleague should have refused his request. Now that his conscience is disturbed he goes to the police station and withdraws his complaint and also doesn't ask for monetary compensation since got treated at the hospital for free. Meanwhile Geum Soon first tried to call Father in Law when in Police Station but her Mother in Law has answered the phone so she kind of froze and couldn't speak. Then she called her grandma and told her to look after her kid for the night. She told the grandma that she was very tired and she needed sleep. Geum Soon is very nice, she didn't want her elderly Grandma to worry about her. But her in laws returned the same night and when they couldn't find her in the house, they assumed that she went to Grandma. They were a bit upset that she didn't call them and tell them that she'll spend the night at Grandma. So imagine Geum Soon's suprise when she finally walked to her house and found her in laws there worried sick (they called Grandma in the morning and now she is worried sick too) and at the end of episode 22 (if I remember correctly, I always got the episode numbers mixed up) everyone is looking at Geum Soon waiting for an explanation on where she spend the night.

I have finished The Beautiful and Damned and it was such a good novel. Yes it is not even as good as The Great Gatsby but still it is better than a lot of others. The book situation got a little bit complicated now.

Currently readin Suichi Yoshida's Villain and loving it. Also reading Nana by Emile Zola and not really loving it since the book is a cheap copy full of errors. And to top these of I'm listeing to Stephen King's 22/11/1963 because a colleague has lent it to me (I think the only reason he did that is he is listening to it now and wanted to discuss it as he reads it along). For whatever reason I enjoy it very much and listen to it while I do chores but sometimes I just sit and listen to it which is bad because I have to read Nana for the book club!
Also my social life went a bit nuts since I went to a wedding on Wednesday, a bbq party on Friday and a hen night on Saturday. This is too much for a not so social woman as I. 

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