Friday, July 13, 2012

Be Strong Geum Soon somewhere between 36 and 41

Geum Soon still owns me.

Jae Hee finally started to get more interested in Geum Soon. He remembers her and looks for her whenever he drops by in the hair salon. But at the same time he hangs out with Eun Joo and even let her kiss him.

Grandma, after a fight with her Daughter in Law, took He Sung and gone to vegetable selling with him in tow. But of course He Sung walked away while she was making a huge sale and she lost him. Geum Soon, her in laws (except Useless Bro who got offered a job as floor manager because he is good looking and MIL since her leg is in a cast). But as luck have it, Old Doc found He Sung and brought him to the police station (not the one closest to where he found the kid but the one closest to where Geum Soon and her relatives live). The exchanged cards with Geum Soon's FIL.

Bank Bro and Sung Ran do not even speak to each other now but of course MIL went to meet Sung Ran and actually met her and told her how lovely her son Bank Bro is. She is right of course but what she doesn't know - and will probably flip out if she finds out- is that Sung Ran is divorced and mother of an 8 year old boy who lives with his father. Anyway she told Sung Ran to make up with Bank Bro - Bank Bro has no idea.

Geum Soon finally stood up to her MIL (after having a heart to heart with Grandma and thinking how old and fragile her Grandma is) saying that she always critisises her, never appreciates her and refused to baby sit her son, so does it really matter if she behaves respectfully or not? None of them had anything to say to this since she is right.

Oh, and she was about to be fired because she left the hair salon without telling anyone and when the hair stylist (not the bully but the real stylist) asked the reason she didn't want to say. After the Stylist fired her she said she'll tell the reason but only in private. Of course Stylist took her right back after finding out the Geum Soon left because her two year old son was missing and also that she is a widow. Geum Soon told the stylist that she not only wants to learn about the job but she actually needs the job to take better care of ther son. Stylist asked to keep this a secret between them since she doesn't think Mama would react favorably if she finds out. I think Mama, being a single mom herself, would be more understanding but we'll see.

Also before finding the kid, Old Doc approached Real Mom whether they should find her daughter or not and she reacted in a bad way. Throughout their discussion we understand that Old Doc at first said Real Mom that he will accept her daughter but in the end he didn't - his old mother was ill and she couldn't handle it if he brought home a widow with a daughter. So Real Mom said that she has left her daughter and chose to live nicely and she doesn't deserve any kindness now (well, I don't know about the kindness but she didn't do a good thing, at least she knows).

Well on her off day Geum Soon innocently cooked a sweet rice treat for Old Doc, to thank him for finding He Sung. And came across Jae Hee at the elevator. Jae Hee didn't respond when she said hello and he also didn't respond when his two subordinates went in to the elevator at a different floor. Geum Soon said to him that he has something on his white coat and made him looked down. And then she smiled cutely that he actually bowed :) She said to him why he never say hello back when people greeted him - in a very cute way and even though he remained stony throughout the whole jokey period, he started smiling after Geum Soon got off. And the episode ended with Geum Soon entering Old Doc's office while her mother is at the same hospital getting dialysis.

Oh and there is a lot of action now in The Dragon and The Pearl. I don't like the book that much though.

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