Thursday, July 19, 2012

Be Strong Geum Soon 82

Yeah last night was another Geum Soon night and it was very very exciting.

Old Doc said to Auntie in Law that if she tells Geum Soon that her mother is alive, he'll give them the money Uncle owed to the creditors and get him out of jail. To her credit Auntie in Law didn't say yes right away. But after a bout of anger and dissapointment towards Grandma (who gave some money to Geum Soon - which Geum Soon gave back later on thinking it is not appropriate to take it when her Uncle is in jail and her Auntie in Law will need every won) she called the Old Doc and told him she'd do it. Well she came to her senses soon after but cunning Old Doc already wired the whole amount to Auntie in Law's bank account. She tried to make him take it back but just at that time Real Mom lost consciousness again (thank God she actually is in the hospital now) and she couldn't. She ended up being hospitalised herself because of severe stomach pains caused by stress. Everyone assumed that is because her husband is in jail and that he has gallstones that cause him pain. But we know the real reason.

Meanwhile Jae Hee treats Geum Soon really badly. Accused her being too close to her brother in law (Useless Bro in this case) and that she may have fooled many other men. Geum Soon went to the hospital to make him apologise but he shouted at her, insulted her more - in front of all the staff and patients- and told her not to even say hello if they see eachother again. Old Doc witnessed the whole thing and warned Jae Hee that if he wants to be professor he can't just date anyone - at this point I truly want to shake Old Doc's shoulders and insert some humanity in him. Yes he loves his wife but he is trying to destroy Geum Soon's life to save her (and against her wishes, he also lied to her that Geum Soon is a colleage student at another town - LIAR).

Well Jae Hee felt awful after his outburst and they went to drinking with Eun Joo (who is patiently waiting like a Hyena to pick up the pieces and date him again - well at least she is kinder to her family now) and he actually cried and said that he did a terrible thing just because he wanted to hurt her the way she hurt him. Of course Eun Joo has no idea that the woman in question is Geum Soon.

Well at the end of episode 82, Geum Soon visited her Aunt in Law at the hospital and when she saw Jae Hee she passed him by without saying anything the way he wanted her too. It is probably not necessary to say that this made Jae Hee feel very bad but I'll say it anyway.

Oh and before I forget, Old Doc told Geum Soon that she seems tired and pale and that she has anemia and she should not work hard and not stress herself (all the while arrainging Auntie in Law to tell Geum Soon that her mother is alive- mean old man) and gave her some pills. I'm not sure whether it is relevant or not but that's what happened.

Also Bank Bro (who is a great guy) took Sung Ran to lunch, made up with her and tought her how to get along with her mother. Sung Ran is totally right btw. She is just not so polite and that made her look bad. Well this time she conspired with Geum Soon and finally made MIL agree to a dishwasher (wheeewww)

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