Thursday, July 12, 2012

Be Strong Geum Soon 33

Be Strong Geum Soon keeps on being interesting and owning me.

Bank Bro finally finds out from Sung Ran that she is a divorcee with an 8 year old son who actually lives with his father (it is very unusual). And she tells him that he shouldn't take their dating so serious. This conversation happened right after he presented her with couples rings. He has gone into shock after hearing all these new things about her and took the rings back and went home. At night he asked Useless Bro what does a woman mean if she says the relationship is not serious, and Useless Bro replies that she probably just wanted to have some fun. This makes Bank Bro MAD. He actually throws the rings into the loo but doesn't flush and then Useless Bro came and peed and just as he was about to flush Bank Bro told him not to and took the rings out of the loo filled with Uselss Bro's pee. EEWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I can't even say that this dedication impressed me. I simply thought Bank Bro is a stupid man and I hope that he will not give those rings to Sung Ran. Sung Ran thinks that Bank Bro's feelings have changed after he heard her circumstances. But Bank Bro is just mad because Sung Ran doesn't take him seriously. Yes he minded that she is a divorcee with a child living with her ex husband but he was more hurt that she treated her relationship with Bank Bro as unimportant. Now this is a big misunderstanding.

Geum Soon is being treated very bad at work by a girl and she even pushed her and caused her some minor injuries. The injuries were minor but certainly painful and Jae Hee witnessed all these without being seen. He was concerned about Geum Soon and even went as far as taking an oinment from the first aid case. But he was not able to give it to her since she only came back -from the pharmacy to get herself medicine- and Mama and Eun Joo were right there. Eun Joo slowly crawls her way into Jae Hee's life by cooking special food to Mama - who has got a cold - and spending their date at Jae Hee's house eating these with Mama and Jae Hee.

But at home her stepmother just returned from another dialysis session and she is a person who actually has to eat special food etc. When Eun Joo told Jae Hee that she felt more at home at his house than at her own house - due to the stepmother situation, not because she is a bad person but because her father remarried just one year after her mother died and this second marriage seems a much much more successful one- and Jae Hee told her that after living with her for 10 years shouldn't she feel like a family? She got upset and said Jae Hee is blaming her like everyone else does. I dislike Eun Joo more and more with each episode.

And the worst thing is that Old Doctor now actively follows Geum Soon. I just know that he will talk to her and make her life miserable. Is finding her mother better than learning that she lived a luxury life with another daughter and didn't look for her? What about her current situation? Her health is not good and she needs a kidney. Aaaarrrhh this is complicated.

Poor Geum Soon also has to hear her MIL's comments about Sung Ran (a magazine interviewed her and Useless Bro brought it to the house to show his family what kind of a woman Bank Bro is dating since he actually saw them outside the Bank). MIL kept commenting how smart and succesfull Sung Ran is not to mention her father being a retired school master. Geum Soon couldn't help but feel bad :( 

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