Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Be Strong Geum Soon 30, Villain - End, The Dragon and The Pearl

Last night was yet another great Geum Soon nights. I actually cried (usual for me) and laughed out loud (very unusual) and actually rewatched the said scene and laughed again (almost never happens). Kang Ji Hwan, I'm this close to liking you because you are such a good good actor. Geum Soon takes the job in the hair salon and actually Jae Hee's Mama (from hereon will be referred to as Mama) likes her since she is very hard working and genuinely interested in the profession. But her co workers are all bitches who hate her since she got this job by being insistent (in their words "begging") and on her first day she made them all clean the windows really well. Now no one speaks to her at work. But I have faith in Geum Soon to win them all because she is truly nice.

Meanwhile Real Mom is in a bad state and Old Doc actually contacted a prosecutor friend of his to find Geum Soon (I think it is for her kidney) at least Real Mom had the decency to ask him not to contact her daughter especially this time. The prosecutor even brought Old Doc Geum Soon's photo!

Also Jae Hee starts to respond to Geum Soon's charms. Not that he is in love with her or anything (yet) but he started to see that she is an honest, kind hearted and cheerful woman who actually wanted to pay him back for not suing her for the accident. He reluctantly agrees on the arrangement since she simply would not give up but he requests her to deposit the money to his account (avoid seeing her). But he often visits the hair salon and they often meet :) 

In the scenes that made me cry first the Useless Bro actually took Bank Bro's card without permission and signed to an acting school (the first instalment is 1400 USD - I love it that Korean money values, social concerns etc. are very similar to ours) and when everyone found out about it he tried to argue his way by saying he is not loved enough and this usually works but this time it made him kicked out of the house. He came across Geum Soon on the way and asked her to loan him her only money 3 USD. And he told her he blames her for his brother's death. And Geum Soon unexpectedly - for him that is- agrees and tells him that she has to live with this her whole life and now she needs to take care of her son and be a good mother. I was in tears by then and when she went to a quiet place shouting to her dead husband, complaining about the girls at saloon made me cry even more.

Grandma now looks after Hi Sung with the approval of Daughter in Law (the father is still absent) and her daughter Geum Ah is kind of into Useless Bro (they met only once yet). Daughter in Law complained to Grandma when drunk - she usually makes her point very clear but her words were more precise and more hurtful in her inabriated state.

Now comes the scene that got me laugh out loud. Jae Hee came to visit his Mama at the saloon and with Eun Joo they sit at Mama's office asking Geum Soon to bring them green tea (only Mama and Jae Hee asked for tea). Here Mama finds out that Geum Soon knows her son but Jae Hee doesn't explain and tells Mama that they only said hi to each other (I think he knows that if Mama knows Geum Soon is the one who fractured her precious son's little finger she'll be mad at Geum Soon). Anyway Geum Soon brings in two cups of steaming green tea. Gives one to Mama and as she was about to give Jae Hee the next somehow the thing fells on Jae Hee's lap burning his sensitive parts. He was hillarious in that scene trying not scream but making awful faces and asking for ICE QUICK and next we see him long sitting in the office wearing thin pajamas and holding an ice bag on his sensitive parts. Kang Ji Hwan - thanks man.

I also finished Villain yesterday and I have liked it even more towards the end. Great book, very good messages.
I have started a Historical Harlequin novel called The Dragon and The Pearl, this one came with very good recommendations -dangermouise at lj- and it is not bad but so far all about the UST and I want to read some action.  But if I know my Harlequin - and I do- we will be in for a treat soon.

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