Monday, January 30, 2012

Capital Scandal - End, Various TV Shows

I have finished Capital Scandal last night and in the end, loved it. Cried rivers etc.
My only pet peeve is the courtesan dying. As seen in many Indian films, the whore dies and the vituous woman gets a happy ending. Other than that I like the show so much and the ending was good in general.

The TV shows I have watched this weekend (just to mention)

Grey's Anatomy Season 8 - I love this show and how it got good again. Meredith is someone I really like to watch. And she looks so natural too.

The Good Wife Season 3 Great show and it didn't lose steam so far.

New Girl I somehow keep watching despite the show making Zoey Deschanel over cool (it is just overkill)
Raising Hope Nothing new there but the baby's cute
Glee Season 3 or 4? I like watching song and dance. That's all.

Hmmm this weekend was not very productive isn't it?

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