Friday, January 27, 2012

Capital Scandal - still

Well, still because it is not good in the way that I want to watch it constantly and can't bear to leave it. But despite the fact that I'm able to leave it during an episode I actually can't call it bad. I guess this is one of the shows I appreciate more than I love. There are very good points in the show for instance I do like it that the main couple struggles their relationship not due to misunderstandings or interruption from evil secondary leads/mothers but for a solid reason which is the difference in their ideology and the difference in the way they want to live the rest of their lives. One is a freedom fighter (trying to liberate Chosun from Japanese invasion) and the other is a playboy who lost his brother and best friend (this one not through death but betrayal) to the said freedom fight. But they truly love eachother and I'm hoping that they will be able to find a common ground (in this case he will probably turn freedom fighter as well since it is the right thing to do).

The secondary couple is also interesting. The courtesan who is an undercover freedom fighter/assassin and the high level police officer of the Japanese government. They have met ages ago and liked eachother but now are on the opposite sides.

I have been impatient and watched the previews of this coming episode where our intrepid heroine is taken to the police station yet again but this time she will be tortured (this is so sad and maybe the reason why I stopped watching).

Also I thought this show was going to be sixteen episodes but it will probably be longer.

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