Thursday, January 26, 2012

Capital Scandal Eps4

Last evening I have somehow gotten out early from work (which is a rarity since where I work is in the middle of nowhere and I can't drive a car). My manager is relocating and we are looking at houses with him and his wife. So I have ended up being the bigger of the two shopping malls we have in town and gave my mother and my cousing a call to join me there. My cousing's husband is at the hospital for about a month. First it was the lungs, they performed a biopsy and found nothing but then instead of letting him go, they have done an endoscophy to his stomach, performed another biopsy to his liver and we are currently waiting for the results of that. So my cousin is in a pretty bad place as far as being happy goes. Now the assumption that she'll cheer up when we start to shop was a correct one and we ended up purchasing slippers for my mom and my cousin (but in the end there was an extra slipper which they convinced me to use) a t-shit for my sister, a sweater for my cousing and two denim trousers for me.

Anyhow when I returned I had to eat the three slices of pizza I saved for breakfast and then sunflower seeds. And I have watched two more episodes of Capital Scandal. It is a good show but I'm not invested in any of the characters, still annoyed with Han Ji Min (though no fault of her) and Kang Ji Hwan's voice is something terrible.

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