Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wish Upon a Star - End, Capital Scandal

I have finished Wish Upon A Star and loved it till the very end. It served all my drama kicks and also it was good that I don't remember watching the actors, they somehow felt real to me despite the fact that none of them was an acting champion. There is one thing to say about Korean actors though and it is that they are the best on screen criers in the world. The kids were all adorable too :)

And I was thinking of watching an Indian film (Jootha Hi Sahi) or giving I Come With The Rain a try (people swear that it is awful in the worst possible way, not even entertaining awful that is - and of course I'm all the more interested). However rule of a Korean drama was too strong and I have started watching Capital Scandal (a drama that is recommended by everyone and so hard to find - I have managed to find a legit copy at a small shop in Chinatown, Honolulu). An episode and a half in - yeah I was so tired yesterday - and I like it but not really loving it. Fave character so far is the gisaeng (Korean courtesan). Kang Ji Hwan still doesn't affect me in any way. I do however think that he is a good actor. And the female lead Han Ji Min is someone I don't like, maybe because the first time I remember watching her was in that awful Cain and Abel. I hope to like her better in this one though and so far so good but not awesome since I managed to turn it off halfway at the second episode.

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