Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Four II

The Four II made me realise that I had been away from Chinese cinema (and literature) for so long. Apparently this is the second film of the blockbuster original The Four (which was not available for some reason), adaptation of a best selling novel. I really like Chinese martial art novels and this story seemed very interesting. Anthony Wong is the old wise master (and I still love him) to the four detectives with supernatural abilities. I had no idea about the first one so it took  me some time to catch up with what was going on. Apparently there two detective units in the kingdom. They are rivals but get along well. One detective is raised by one unit and joins our heroes later on. He is also something like a werewolf but can supress his animal side if his will is strong enough. There is a girl in wheelchair and her and the werewolf are lovers (he likes her more than she does him). There is a handy man warrior and there is a drinking warrior who is called Soul Snatcher but I had watched the whole film and I couldn't understand why.

Apparently in the first film that had caught a bad guy who turned into a tree (shades of GoT here but in the villain camp)  whose father is a great martial artist who poisons his willing accomplices and then makes them do what he wants by giving them an antidote each month (yeah I know weird).

Also there is a female detective who is horny especially for the werewolf guy and wants to separate him from the wheelchair girl.

The head of the non supernatural detective division is murdered and the head of the supernatural detective division is blamed and arrested together with the wheelchair girl (all a plan of the villains, btw the tree guy is hot for the horny female detective) anyway in the end (and I fell asleep because it was soooooooo loooooooong - but I rewound and watched all) the wheelchair girl's family were traitors and the handyman warrior help assassins to kill them but saved the girl (she was a small child then). The handyman and the child are pardoned by the king. Handyman gave her some iron braces for her to walk and she actually walks away from the trauma of finding out that her father was a traitor. Wolfman wanted to follow her but she doesn't let him. Horny girl should be happy but she is again the arms(??) of the tree guy and he tells her that even though she got what she wanted, she is still not happy. Well she separated the wheelchair girl (now iron brace girl I suppose) and wolfman but wolfman didn't come back to her. Well I plan on watching the third film and wish the first one was available. 

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