Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Descendants of the Sun

Photo credit: www.sweetnara.com

Descendants of the Sun is a Korean drama and the way it is most special to me is that is was finished before it was sold to TV. They usually keep on the series when the earlier episodes start to air and if the ratings are good they extend it. So this was good even before it started. Furthermore the two leads are two of my fave S. Korean actors Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo (no relation). I love these two and they are very organically pretty so it was visually very pleasing to look at them. And to my further delight they have great chemistry. The age difference between them is addressed but not presented as a big deal. And Song Hye Kyo looks really young but Song Joong Ki looks even younger. You can put him in high school and no one would bat an eye.

Also it is a testament to their acting skills (and Song Hye Kyo is a great comedic actress who is wasted in melos imho) that I believed delicate, tiny Song Joong Ki is a special ops soldier who beats people up. The writers are wisely inspired by Meredith Grey for Song Hye Kyo's successful surgeon and we have an adorable secondary couple who are even more in love with each other than our primary couple. And there are no misunderstandings here (a very common trope in Korean dramas) couples communicate clearly and discuss their issues without third party interference being necessary.

The whole thing is pro military and nationalistic but I liked it and I have cried and laughed and enjoyed my viewing very very much. 

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