Monday, April 24, 2017

Winter's War

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Winter's War was not a film I was eager to watch since I didn't even like the new and improved Snow White and the Huntsman much (except for Charlize Theron) so I was not really that eager for it when I saw it on dvdigi. And I'm not very keen on Emily Blunt (and don't think of her as pretty and it kind of bugs me that she is presented as such in every film she is ever in, not a bad actress though). Also I may be one of the few straight females who don't think Chris Hemsworth is handsome. I like him in Thor, it is one of those great chemistry links between actor and character (such as Hugh Jackman and Wolverine) but the actor is not that good as any other character. In this one there was some sort of humour and it worked better for The Huntsman better than the first one. And I love Jessica Chastain and her badass character. All in all I actually enjoyed this one and am surprised at the low box office. I even cried a bit. 

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